Ornamental motifs on tombstones from medieval Bosnia and Surrounding regions
Biblioteka "Kulturno nasljeđe"
Veselin Masleša - Sarajevo, 1965.
- Geometrijski motivi / geometrical motifs
- Bordure / Borders
- Arhitektonski motivi / Architectural motifs
- Krstovi / Crosses
- Udubljenja i obruči / Hollows and rings
- Rozete i polumjesec / Rosettes and crescent
- Krin / Fleur-de-lys
- Spirale / Spirals
- Grozd i loza / Grape cluster and vine
- Grane i drveće / Branches and trees
- Oružje i oruđe / Weapons and tools
- Ptice / Birds
- Jelen, konj, pas, riba, zmija i ostale životinje / Deers, horse, dog, fish, snake and other animals
- Ruke / Hands and arm
- Glave, polufigure, usamljene figure, parovi / Heads, half-figures, single figures, pairs
- Kolo / Dancers
- konjanici / Horsemen
- Lov / Hunting scenes
- Neklasificirani motivi / Unclassified motifs
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