четвртак, 7. јануар 2010.

Izgubljeno kraljevstvo Maja

(Drevne civilizacije, National Geographic DVD)

Davno prije Kolumba Maje su uspostavile jednu od najrazvijenijih civilizacija njihova vremena u prašumama Meksika i Središnje Amerike. Ali ovo je napredno društvo svećenika, astronoma, zanatlija i poljodjelaca iznenada tajanstveno nestalo prije više od tisuću godina. Pridružite se arheolozima u putovanju do Copana, Dos Pilasa i drugih klasičnih ruševina Maja dok iskopavaju predmete i ogromne hramove nevjerojatne ljepote. Nedavno dešifrirani hijeroglifi i nova otkrića pružaju nevjerojatna saznanja o životu ovih drevnih ljudi. Čut ćete dramatične priče o padu jednog kraljevstva i poslednjim satima jednog okrutnog rata. Uz životopisne prikaze svjedočit ćete drevnim ritualima izvedenim na mjestima njihova izvođenja. I upoznat ćete vječne Maje koji još uvijek održavaju mnoge tradicije svojih predaka. Čut ćete glasove nevjerojatne civilizacije dok otkrivate IZGUBLJENO KRALJEVSTVO MAJA.


Long before Columbus, the Maya established one of the most highly developed civilisations of their time in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. Yet this advanced society of priests, astronomers, artisans, and farmers suddenly and mysteriously collapsed more than a thousand years ago. Accompany archaeologists to Copan, Dos Pilas, and other spectacular Classic Maya ruins as they unearth artefacts and huge temples of incredible beauty. Recently deciphered hieroglyphics and other new discoveries offer astounding clues to the lives of these ancient people.

· hear the startling story of one kingdom’s downfall and its final desperate hours of violent warfare
· witness ancient rituals re-enacted on sites where they originally occurred through spine-tingling recreations
· meet the enduring Maya who still maintain many of their ancestors’ traditions.

You’ll hear the voices of a magnificent civilisation as you uncover Lost Kingdoms Of The Maya in the National Geographic ‘Forgotten Kingdom’ series. Narrated by Susan Sarandon, produced for the National Geographic Society.

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